Blood Tsunami - Grand Feast For Vultures (2009)


Blood Tsunami is a 4 man Norwegian band that features Faust, of Emperor fame, on drums. The sound of the band can be said it’s Melodic Trash Metal, but with Death and Black Metal style vocals.

The sound of the band is very dynamic and never gets dull, all riffs in the songs are greatly written and it truly showcases the bands talents, especially since “Grand Feast For Vultures” is the band’s 2nd full length release.

Havok – Burn (2009)


When I first looked at the cover (and the logo) I thought it was pretty odd that looked like the from the 80’s Metal releases. And to my surprise the band sounds exactly like the Trash Music of those days.

While I don’t have anything against old Trash Metal this released seemed a bit out of place for the current evolution of Trash Metal or anything that I’ve heard recently. However “Burn” is a great album that allows us to remember the old glory days of Trash Metal, all 12 tracks are infused with the feeling and sound that Trash Metal music had in those days.

Celestial Maze – Ashes Of Lost Seasons (2009)


Celestial Maze is a one man band Gothic Rock / Shoegaze from Germany. Their newest album “Ashes Of Lost Seasons” is a very good example of how the previously mentioned genres can blend to create a very solid release.

Featuring over 45 minutes of music in 11 tracks this album showcases Marko’s talent in creating beautifully haunting music. His characteristic voice is one of the trademark features of this album.

Corde Oblique – The Stones Of Naples (2009)


Corde Oblique is an Italian band that is the brainchild of Riccardo Prencipe who composes all the music, but in the recording of this album used the help of an impressive list of musicians (for more go to their site),  and when performing live he is helped by Claudia Sorvillo (vocals), Edo Notarloberti (violin), Alessio Sica (drums) and Umberto Lepore (bass) who also contributed in the album.

The band plays acoustic music that is of the highest level of quality and beauty. I listen to and appreciate all kinds of music regardless if they are metal or not, and acoustic music is one of my favorites.  I really like bands like Antimatter, Brillig and Ashram just to name a few, and Corde Oblique is in the same alley.

Spheric Universe Experience – Unreal (2009)


Spheric Universe Experience (S.U.E for short) is a 5 man band from France that plays traditional Progressive Metal. “Unreal” is the band’s latest album that offers us 9 tracks, each one telling a story about different paranormal phenomena.

The music of S.U.E sounds like a child of Dream Theater, Symphony X and <insert major Progressive metal band’s name here>. While not original in any way, the band is pretty good at mimicking the previously mentioned bands.

Tverd – Follow The Sun’s Way (2009)


I was completely blown away by this album since the first time I played it, and I have been listening to it ever since. Tverd is a Russian band that emerged from the band Pagan Reign, and they play some epic folk metal unlike other bands.

The band’s sound is extremely bombastic and very rich in folk instruments that had me trying to figure out exactly what instruments they use for a few hours. From start to end this album provides us with epic songs filled with great vocals, an amazing array of instruments and traditional Metal elements.

Headkase – The Worm County Circus (2009)


For a band that’s been around for 8 years, “The Worm Country Circus” is a very solid and well prepared debut album. These crazy Australians label themselves as ‘Circus Metal” and after listening to the CD plenty of times, I have to agree 100% with this description.

The 13 tracks on this album sound like a deranged composition straight out of a horror movie; House of 1000 corpses comes into mind. The whole circus theme of the band plays perfectly on the bizarreness of the bands sound and persona.

Debemur Morti Productions resurrects ARCKANUM early albums

Three milestones in Swedish Black Metal history are set for a glorious new dawn ! "Fran Marder", "Kostogher""Kampen" - ARCKANUM's legendary first trinity of oblations to Pan, the Mighty God of Nature - will be resurrected by Debemur Morti Productions on August 28th. Encased in noble digibook packaging, these exclusive re-excavations are enhanced by improved layout and remastered sound, courtesy of Andy Classen’s Stage One Studio.


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