Waking the Cadaver – Beyond Cops. Beyond God. (2010)


If it wasn’t enough that all the kiddies are playing Deathcore these days, we now have BRUTAL, yes BRUTAL Deathcore. We can definitely can notice an extra ‘aggression’ level in Waking the Cadaver’s Deathcore sound making it much more brutal, but it still borders with the Death/Grind bands of a few years ago.

The band call their style “Slamming Gore Groove” and we think this is downright hilarious, there aren’t enough Groove elements to categorize this release like this, but we can see that there is some Grooviness to their music. We can’t really find the ‘innovative’ aspect of this band anywhere since they just sound like a really pissed off version of Black Dahlia Murder without their occasional good riff.

The riffing is pretty basic and while powerful, not effective enough in creating super chuggy songs that will make you head bang from dusk till dawn. There are some hooks here and there but they all feel nicely recycled from other DM bands, yes DM is not the most original genre in the world, but you can do a lot better if you tried.

Waking the Cadaver has some pretty brutal vocals that will make your house tremble and on this aspect alone the band achieves ultimate brutality. Unluckily (for us) sometimes they sound like a dog barking, but if you are looking for a brutal display of growls and screams you are welcomed to check this band out.

If you like Deathcore and want to step it up a notch, then this will be a nice transition into more brutal stuff. But if you are an old school Death, Brutal Death, or Death/Grind fan you will find this release absolutely rubbish and uninspired. The band needs to focus more on crafting songs than being brutal, hopefully with time they realize this and start making proper music.

Band: Waking the Cadaver Album: Beyond Cops. Beyond God.

Release: August 10th, 2010

Official Site myspace
Genre: Brutal Death/Grind / 'Brutal' Deathcore

Country: USA

Rating: 70/100

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