Rimfrost – Rimfrost (2016)


Arriving from Sweden, today we have Rimfrost and their thunderous Black Metal onslaughts. In their self-titled third full-length release, this trio delivers eight high-octane anthems that remind us of Immortal and similar outfits. Not for the weak of heart or the extremely super kvlt trve people, this intense release plays more on the side of brilliant melodic riffs and catchy songs that are memorable and engaging.

Delivering a crushing opening blow with the brilliant “As the Silver Curtain Closes”, the band sets a very dynamic mood with tons of tempo changes and proficient riffing. The band’s vocalist and axe master Hravn Decmiester perfectly captures the Black Metal ‘firm’ shriek on melancholic tracks like “Saga North”. Said track also features some epic headbanging passages that will make your neck sore for days.

Keeping the Immortal vibe alive, “Dark Prophecies” has some killer riffs that perfectly fit with the intricate (and intense) drumming. Our favorite track in this release is the melodic epic “Ragnarök” and its killer bass guitar line. This track perfectly reflects the band’s melodic yet firm approach to making music. Greatly aided by a crystal clear production, tracks like this one and “Cold”, sound brilliantly, allowing every single detail to go noticed by the listeners.

The atmospheric elements of “Witches Hammer” makes this track another standout in such a rich and entertaining release. Paired with some brilliant stop-and-go riffing sections, this track is one fine example of this band’s quality work. Closing with the 9-minute onslaught of “Frostland Skies”, the band makes quite a solid statement with this very mature release. If you are a fan of guitar-driven Black Metal with tons of memorable melodic headbanging passages, look no further and pick up a copy of this gem.

Band: Rimfrost Album: Rimfrost

Label: Non Serviam Records

Release: March 25th, 2016

Official Site Social Media

Genre: Black Metal

Country: Sweden

Rating: 90/100

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