- Posted By: Dark Emperor
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Hailing from Canda, today we have the debut full-length of Délétère titled “Les heures de la peste”. Playing vicious Black Metal that is quite raw and punishing, this band delivers eight tracks and around 50 minutes of crushing music that has a certain 90’s European flair. Out on Sepulchral Productions, you know this band will be awesome due to their excellent skills in uncovering underground Black Metal acts. The band immediately explodes with raw songs like “Matines – Portepeste” and “Laudes – Credo II”, both tracks have a certain Low-fi rawness that makes them quite punishing. The use of odd vocal arrangements also makes them quite unique and unpredictable. We particularly enjoy tracks were the band changes up the tempo and delivers and slower aural assault such as “ Tierce - Aux thaumaturges égarés, une étoil...”, a more melodic and atmospheric piece that changes the mood of this release. Some experimental pieces like “Sexte - Une charogne couronnée de fumier” are a bit harder to follow, but provide a nice separation between this band and the countless others that just blast their instruments instead of making crafty and creative music such as Délétère does in this album. Evocating the 90’s sound of Black Metal, the band delivers our favorite tracks “Vêpres - Architectes de la peste” and the ravaging closer “Complies - Une garce vénale en majesté”. As a whole, “Les heures de la peste” is a very well balanced release having a bit of everything for fans of all kinds of Black Metal. Has one of the best rounded bands from Canada, Délétère has a their own approach to making music that covers all the basics and further expands the genre with interesting ideas of their own. If you like raw Black Metal with atmospheric elements and restless drums, look no further and pick up a copy of this crushing release. |
Band: Délétère | Album: Les heures de la peste |
Label: Sepulchral Productions |
Release: April 7th, 2015 |
Official Site | Social Media |
Genre: Black Metal |
Country: Canada |
Rating: 88/100 |