Interview with Twilight - Imperial


Infernal Masquerade: Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions, and let’s get started:

I.M: After several years of inactivity Twilight comes back to life in 2009, can you tell us what made you decide to bring the project back to life?

Imperial: We had gotten together about a year or two before this in a cabin in Michigan with the idea to maybe demo out some new Twilight songs. The writing that weekend was really intense but the recording equipment was broke and it was a fucking haul to the closest town to get anything so most of the material got scrapped and the idea sort of went to the back burner. In early 09 Blake called me, told me Wrest was in town and we were recording a new Twilight record in a week and a half and to get on a plane. It seemed like a good enough idea.

I.M: With the entire current teeny-bopper craze over the shitty ‘Twilight’ saga of books and movies, do you think that this project will be confused and some people might pick-up the new album by mistake? What would you think will be these people think after finding the shocking surprise?

Imperial: Look we had this name before the book and movie craze so it’s not something we even associate with such plastic pop culture nonsense. I speak for myself when I say I couldn’t fucking care less if someone gets the record by mistake and throws it away because they think it’s related to a Bible parable veiled in a vampire shell. That has nothing to do with us.

I.M: The project’s new album “Monument to Time End” features some of the most unique (and different) sounding Black Metal songs we have heard in quite a while. What do you think made this sound possible?

Imperial: Probably the fact that the Twilight core, while all coming from underground backgrounds, have very different views on music in general. We all have very different tastes in some music outside of metal while others we all come together. Being able to work with each other face to face instead of via mailing tapes and sporatic recording sessions meant we could work on making all of our personalities merge into one cohesive statement. The ability also to utilize the studio as an instrument instead of just a place to record also helped as Semaphore has a wide variety of things for all of us to fuck around with. We took full advantage of this arsenal.

I.M: What is the main concept and ideas behind “Monument to Time End”? How long did it take to write and record this album?

Imperial: The album title is honestly pretty self explanatory as a thesis for the concepts within the record. Decay, the breaking of the human spirit, and our self destructive nature (personally, not as a metaphor for greater humanity) is what we strove to convey. My lyrics were written over the course of the recording, Blake already had his ready. Musically Wrest, Blake and Stavros wrote and rehearsed for a week or two before I flew in. My only musical contribution this time around, “Convulsions..” was partially written before I arrived and finished during the recording. So I’d suppose the timeline would put it at two weeks, give or take.


I.M: With all the crappy Black Metal releases and poser bands in the scene, which bands do you think still hold the true Black Metal spirit (both in Europe and USA)?

Imperial: For me, I don’t really pay much attention to the underground anymore. In the US I really respect and support Woe, Bone Awl, Ashdautas, Profanatica and a few others. The only European black metal I’ve bought in the last year was the new Beherit record.

I.M: How is the process of crafting songs for Twilight different from any of the bands you are involved in (can’t really tell who to direct this since, we don’t know who will answer the interview)?

Imperial: Since we all write alone for our respective work, or with a small number of collaborators, Twilight is different since it’s done in a very democratic and honest fashion. If one of us doesn’t like an idea then we don’t feel the need to shy away from stating it. There isn’t any real ego at work here, because that sort of thing isn’t our goal. No hurt feelings or anyone locking themselves in the bathroom for a good cry if an idea is rejected.

I.M: Will there be anymore Twilight releases in the future? Will we have to wait another 5 years for the next album?

Imperial: Personally I would be interested in working with Twilight any time that it’s proper. I doubt we’ll cease being somewhat active until it feels forced or lackluster in any sense.

I.M: We read that there are no plans of touring/gigs in support of “Monument to Time End”. What ‘especial circumstances’ would have to happen for Twilight to do any shows?

Imperial: Musically to capture what is on the record would be close to impossible unless we were some shitty laptop band playing backing tracks. Plus with each contributing member having varying levels of tour commitment or other such things I don’t think we could do it and give the music justice.

I.M: Since we are in the subject of Time Ending, What would be the best way to go (in your opinion)?

Imperial: I’ve already tried and failed at that. I do find the idea of the noose romantic though.

I.M: Anything else you want to add for the band’s followers in the USA and around the world?

Imperial: I’d rather let the album speak for myself.

Thanks for the interview and good luck with the album promotion.

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