Königreichssaal - Psalmen'o'delirium (2024)


Delivering a completely nightmarish experience, today we have Poland’s Königreichssaal and their sophomore release “Psalmen'o'delirium”. Creating a sickening atmosphere, this release unravels seven tracks and over 40 minutes of truly hellish music. Like a more atmospheric and decadent version of Mgła, the band’s music is incisive and punishing, just like unleashing hell on earth.

Creating a very eerie atmosphere, the opening “Iskarja” is both chilling and suffocating. The band’s riffing is commanding, perfectly paired with piercing riffing and completely hellish vocals. The is something just magical and demoralizing on the simple and yet incisive riffs of tracks like “Rubikon”, where the madness behind the vocals just further elevates the music to a completely new level of misery.

Be it shorter and piercing tracks like “Lazaret”, “Delirio” or “Anathema”, or more focused and slowly building onslaughts like “Psalmen”, filled with madness and Bethlehem-esque antics, on their “Dictius Te Necare” era, this release will give you nightmares and completely unsettle your pedestrian lives. The closer “Satyros” leaves things in complete shambles, making the listener wonder what the hell just happened, and how fast can you start the experience once again.

Overall, “Psalmen'o'delirium” is one of those releases that you can’t really be prepared for. Königreichssaal has definitely reached new heights with their music, creating one of the most sickening and decadent releases in the last few years, so do not hesitate to get a copy of this beast. Be prepared for your life to be transformed by the aural abuse this release will inflict.

Band: Königreichssaal Album: Psalmen'o'delirium

Label: Godz ov War Productions

Release: June 7th, 2024

Homepage Facebook

Genre: Black Metal

Country: Poland

Rating: 97/100

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