- Posted By: Dark Emperor
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The year 2021 was a great one for epic Symphonic/Melodic/Folk Black Metal releases. Topping previous years, these bands kept alive the genre with outstanding musicianship and extreme catchiness.
Hailing from Poland, this outfit unleashed one of the most unique mixture of Folk and Pagan Black Metal elements in a very melodic and engaging package. |
Finland is not only leading the way in killer traditional Black Metal, they also kick ass in intense and over-the-top arrangements to add a sinister layer on top of a cold and ravaging BM base. |
Lush mixture of excellent instrumentation, tight execution, and skillful songwriting showcases Windfaerer extremely refined sound. |
North American newcomers Arcane Existence return the 2000's playfulness and catchiness to Melodic/Symphonic Black Metal, need to keep an eye out for these guys in the future. |
The high-octane mixture of Symphonic/Melodic Black Metal from Necronautical is truly mesmerizing and engaging, be sure to not miss out. |
After blowing us away in 2019 with their killer sound, Netherbird returns with a vengeance unleashing a mixture of classic Dimmu Borgir and Old Man’s Child with a splash of Uada. |