- Posted By: Dark Emperor
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Just when you think that 2020 can not get any better in terms of Black Metal releases, today we have Serment dropping their majestically bombastic “Chante, Ô Flamme de la Liberté”. For nearly 40 minutes the band creates an immersive and superbly dramatic atmosphere that is fiercely pierced by ravaging onslaughts of hellish Black Metal onslaughts. As a side project of Moribond of Forteresse fame, this release delivers intensity, rawness, and melancholy in droves, making it one of the most pummeling releases of the year. Seconds after the lush opener “Ouverture”, “Sonne, le Glas Funèbre” will fill your speakers with frosty synth arrangements and blistering drumming. The underlying catchiness of this track is perfectly captured as both harsh and clean vocals adorn the dramatic atmospherics, making it one intense opening for this release. Continuing to set the mood, “Par-Delà Collines et Rivières” and “Flamme Hivernale” keep the frosty atmosphere intact with waves of over-the-top arrangements flanked by violent screams and an overall apocalyptic feeling. Far from linear, tracks like “Avant que ne Meure la Gloire” explore more sinister undertones while delivering mid-tempo passages filled with punishing vocals and that good-old 90’s BM vibe. It is quite impressive how Serment continually delivers crushing riffs, synths, and vocals in crafty ways that allows them to never get dull or linear. There is certain naivety in the band’s sound that is both refreshing and to the point. Closing with another instrumental piece, “Hymne à la Patrie”, the band slowly eases the listener back into the real work. We are huge fans of blistering Black Metal with old-school roots and of over-the-top atmospherics, both of which are available in high quality in “Chante, Ô Flamme de la Liberté”. Both fierce and uncompromising, Serment’s skill and creativity manage to deliver one of the best albums of the year, so waste no time in acquiring a copy of this gem. |
Band: Serment | Album: Chante, Ô Flamme de la Liberté |
Label: Sepulchral Productions |
Release: June 24th, 2020 |
Homepage | |
Genre: Symphonic Black Metal |
Country: Canada |
Rating: 94/100 |