The Devil’s Blood – The Time Of No Time Evermore (2009)


The Devil’s Blood is one of those bands that will totally catch you by surprise. Playing a funky mixture of Progressive Rock with Psychedelic Rock they totally rock at it.

I have never been a fan of the 70’s music of the same style, but there is something about “The Time Of No Time Evermore” that hooked me since the first time I heard the album and now I find myself enjoying this release at any point during the day, after listening to whatever other kind of music I’m currently reviewing.

While you can imagine what to expect when seeing the album cover, which is very 70’s inspired, you are not even close at knowing how good this Dutch band is. The have brilliant songwriting abilities and they showcase them in every single track of this album, since I can’t really find a bad song here.

The music presented here is totally intoxicating and will have you playing this album over and over. The Devil’s Blood have managed to create a classical 70’s masterpiece in 2009 and they should be recognized for this. All guitar riffs and solos are very well exploited and blend into perfection with a simple but solid drum line that keeps everything flowing magically.

The vocals are also one the best I’ve heard in this style of music and they fit the overall vibe of the music to perfection. Paying closer attention the song titles are as demented as the whole overall band concept, for example: “Christ Or Cocaine”.

I’m not going to keep babbling about how great this release and I will let you find it out by yourself, check out a few of their songs at their MySpace page and you will surely buy the full CD. I usually don’t listen to this style of music but I have been lured into being a fan of The Devil’s Blood because of this brilliant release.

Band: The Devil’s Blood Album: The Time Of No Time Evermore
Label: Van Records

Release: September 11, 2009

Official Site myspace
Genre: Progressive/Pyschedelic Rock

Country: Netherlands

Rating: 92/100

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