- Posted By: Dark Emperor
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Arriving from Australia, today we have one-man battalion Subterranean Disposition’s second full-length released titled “Contagiuum and the Landscapes of Failure”. Delivering over 60 minutes of crushing Death/Doom, the band keeps things fresh by adding extra atmospheric elements that blend very well together. Perfectly crafted for fans of slow and painful Doom music, this release is filled with unique ideas and interesting songs. Opening with the crushing riffs of “Hungry Ghosts on Rotten Soil”, the album sets a very dominant tone. This mood continues with the melancholic opening of “Wooden Kimono Fixative” and its disarming pairing of moody guitars and sultry saxophone. This opener nicely transitions into more familiar Death/Doom territories with gusto and crushing tempo changes. Remaining us of bands like Avrigus, “Embittered Final” turns darker and more atmospheric. The haunting female vocals give an extra level of eeriness to this already emotional track. Mixing influences that range from My Dying Bride, Doom VS and all the main players in the genre, tracks like “A Life Long Slumber” and “All Roads Lead to Perdition” continue to showcase Terry Vainoras’s mastery of the genre and solid song writing skills. While there are elements that always sound familiar, Subterranean Disposition has a very distinctive sound that is quite memorable and engaging. Closing with the hypnotic 12-minute behemoth “Aggressors Clothed as Victims”, we are treated to lush classical string instruments and a very unsettling atmospheric opening first few minutes. Overall, Subterranean Disposition is quite an engaging and unique one-man outfit. All tracks are full of cool and different ideas which make listening to this release a very rewarding and fresh experience. If you are looking for the power and desolation transmitted by Death/Doom Metal releases and have a knack for intense atmospheric elements, “Contagiuum and the Landscapes of Failure” is the release for you. |
Band: Subterranean Disposition | Album: Contagiuum and the Landscapes of Failure |
Label: Hypnotic Dirge Records |
Release: June 13th, 2016 |
Official Site | Social Media |
Genre: Death/Doom Metal |
Country: Australia |
Rating: 88/100 |