Idols Are Dead – Mean (2008)


Idols Are Dead are trying to take the USA by surprise with their very interesting mix of Trash metal, sleaze rock and some Metalcore hints. This Italian band manages to create interesting and modern sounding music that would appeal to fans of all of the previously mentioned genres and from all different age ranges in the metal community.

All tracks in this album blast you away from start to finish. All songs are very simple in nature since most riffs are very basic, but extremely effective. The catchiness achieved by the melody in all songs is one of the best things this band has going for them.

If you are still wondering how their mix of musical genres can work together, just imagine Avenged Sevenfold with some Metallica and some GnR in between (they even have a cover of “It’s So Easy” on the album). They also bear some resemblance to “The New Black” a band that we reviewed a few months ago that blew us away. While you get small Metalcore influences here and there, they are not too annoying for me, allowing me to enjoy the album.

With 9 catchy songs “Mean” is a very solid debut album from this Italian band that will surely get them hordes of fans in the USA. I have to say that the only problem of this album is that is too short, and it will leave you hungry for more music from the band. Highly recommendable album even for the occasional listener that is looking for something heavy but radio-friendly.

Band: Idols Are Dead Album: Mean
Label: Sacrlet Records Release Date: 2008
Official Site myspace
Genre: Trash Metal

Country: Italy

Rating: 88/100

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