Lotus Thief – Rervm (2014)


As soon as we received this release with the association of featuring members of Botanist, we braced ourselves for the worst. In return, we actually are quite surprised and pleased on how Lotus Thief’s “Rervm” has turned out, featuring a truly unique and engaging sound that is very structured and free-flowing, unlike Botanist. Delivering six very solid tracks, this is probably at the top of our “Best surprises of 2014” list.

The album kicks off with the heavy riffing of “Aeternvm” creating a very hypnotic passage that is later complemented with brilliant atmospheric elements and female vocals. The drumming still has that Botanist edge to it, but it is far less chaotic and fits the music perfectly. There are some trippy atmospheric sounds here and there that nicely complement the atmosphere of this track. Things pick up with “Miseras” and its Sludge/Alt-Rock vibe, showing a different side of the band while retaining its atmospheric uniqueness.

Moving into Psychedelic/Space Rock territories, “Discere Credas” is one of our favorite tracks in this release thanks to the trippy music and raspy female vocals. This track also has a certain Amesoeurs vibe that instantly engaged us. Things keep getting better with the Doomy “Lvx”, a song that reminded us of Jex Thoth meets Theater of Tragedy (Aegis-era). The experimental “Discordia” pushes the limits a bit when trying new things while still fitting cohesively with the rest of the release.

“Rervm” closes with the Sludgy/Post-Metal “Mortalis”, a track filled with fuzzy riffs and some creepy whispers. In general, Lotus Thief has managed to deliver one of the most interesting releases of 2014 and we are glad we gave them a chance even after featuring (all) the members of Botanist, heck, we might even give Botanist a new try. If you are looking for an engaging female-fronted release that will catch you off-guard and will keep you guess, look no further and pick up a copy of this solid release.

Band: Lotus Thieff Album: Rervm

Label: Svart Records

Release :November 28th, 2014

Oficial Site Social Media

Genre: 'text Metal' / Experimental

Country: USA

Rating: 90/100

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