Fen – Carrion Skies (2014)


Ever since their debut full-length “The Malediction Fields” Fen has always had a very clear and unique sound that has nicely transformed over the years. With “Carrion Skies”, the further elevate their musical magic in six brilliantly composed tracks. Perfectly blending atmosphere with aggression and desolate instrumental passages, this UK trio continues to blow everybody out of the water in terms of Atmospheric Black Metal.

Opening with the tour-de-force tow-part track “Our Names Written in Embers”, the band delivers 18 minutes of their signature atmospheric music paired with a few Post-Rock/Jazzy passages that nicely complement the aggressive vocals and furious riffing onslaughts. On part two, the band nicely crafts playful guitar melodies that are perfect for some melodic headbanging.

As one of our favorites, “The Dying Stars” features some epic melodic passages that showcase Fen’s excellent ear for melodic and atmospheric instrumentations that perfectly blend in and out of aggressive passages. “Sentinels” has more of an experimental and free-form approach with very clean percussions, dreamy guitar riffs, and Gothic-like (think Crematory) clean vocal sections. Going full-speed in “Menhir – Supplicant” reminds the listeners that Fen is still a vicious band that can step it up a notch very quickly.

Saving the best for last, “Gathering the Stones” is a cathartic melancholic piece that nicely builds up playing to the band’s strengths and has a certain Alcest vibe, but keeps Fen’s unique music identity intact. This is probably the most melodic track the band has in this release, and one of their most epic songs in their career. As a whole, “Carrion Skies” is one hell of a release that perfectly blends aggression and melody. Fen expertly crafts melancholic passages within intense songs that will leave you in awe. If you like Atmospheric Black Metal with some Post-Rock sprinkled in-between, look no further and get your copy of this release.

Band: Fen Album: Carrion Skies

Label: Code666 Records

Release: November 22nd, 2014

Oficial Site Social Media

Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal / Post-Rock

Country: UK

Rating: 92/100

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