- Posted By: Dark Emperor
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Deliver nine blows of pure rawness, today we have Incursus and their very devastating (and well crafted) debut full-length release “Eternal Funeral Trance”. Featuring VJS of Kult ov Azazel, Nightbringer, etc., Incursus has a great sound for such a ‘young’ band, but with his pedigree it is something to be fully expected. The vocalist Horidus (ex-Demoncy and ex-Legions of Astaroth) it is also a fundamental part for this release to work the way it does due to his hellish shrieks. Opening with a very cool intro, the album fully explodes with “A Ravenous Despair”. In this track the band delivers waves of crushing riffs and blasting drums, all of these perfectly complemented by Horidus vocals. With the true Black Metal sound behind them, Incursus delivers a top notch opening track that will be greatly appreciated by all fans of the genre. In the following aural assaults “When Death Enthrones Our Darkness”, “Phantasmagoria” and “Evil Comes Forth”, the band has a similar feeling to other greats of the genre like Deathspell Omega, Katharsis, Sargeist, etc. As a breathing room in the album, we have the Drone-like “Venka” track that nicely slows things down for a bit. However, this little slowdown just makes the following track (“He of Knighted Death”) even more brutal and destructive. The hectic riffing has been nicely arranged with the drumming and the shrieks/growls to give the feeling of a fucking tornado and we love it. In a more lush and traditional manner, “From My Subconscious Throne” will make you have nightmares and for the non-BM fans, probably pee in their pants. Closing the album we have “As One As Nothing”, yet another devastating track that nicely puts this release to sleep (or on the fast track for a replay). As we mentioned the band excels at creating very well crafted and brutal Black Metal songs like only a few bands can bring to life. The raw yet elegant touches to the songs give them that little edge over your average kiddies band and will surely get Incursus much attention in the USBM scene. If you are a true fan of raw and devastating Black Metal, you should not miss this one. |
Band: Incursus | Album: Eternal Funeral Trance |
Label: Forever Plagued Records |
Release: August 20th, 2009 |
Oficial Site | ![]() |
Genre: Raw Black Metal |
Country: USA |
Rating: 88/100 |